a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Thursday, 31 July 2014

King Ode Kahn and the Curse of The Royal Sceptre (Part 2)

10:33 Posted by Sir Scribbles 3 comments
It felt like King Kahn had just awakened from a nightmare. His mind struggled to comprehend what had just occurred in his throne room. Merely moments ago, he had been sitting on this very throne struggling with the boredom of having to choose a wife from a crowd of women wanting to be his queen. Now, he had witnessed what looked like a suicide by a woman who had apparently taken the power of everlasting...

Sunday, 27 July 2014

King Ode Kahn and Curse of The Royal Sceptre

12:35 Posted by Sir Scribbles 2 comments
In the far away kingdom of Kongdobia, lived a king named Ode Kahn. King Kahn was the last descendant of royal Kahn bloodline which had sat on the throne of Kongdobia and ruled the kingdom for centuries. The Kahn bloodline was the oldest and most respected bloodline in the kingdom and was revered not only because it was a royal bloodline but also because the dynasty stretched as far as the days of...

Friday, 11 July 2014

A love letter to my fingers

17:16 Posted by Sir Scribbles 1 comment
Dear Fingers, I don't think I give you guys enough credit. I do not show you how much I care about you and appreciate everything you do for me. You've been an ever-present companion. An friend who literally sticks closer than a brother. You have been there for me in times of uncertainty, curiosity,...

Friday, 7 February 2014

When a rich guy wants you....

05:39 Posted by Sir Scribbles 10 comments
I was listening to Chris Brown's "Loyal" and the chorus just makes me laugh all the time, "When a rich nigga wants you, and your man can't do nothing for you...". It's funny because this is actually a serious problem. Money is changing the way people are dating, particularly in Nigeria. Personally, I think it's a combination of several factors but the main one is definitely greed. Please note...