*scratches head* What cud dis mean? Anyone got any ideas? I know for sure it has something to do with my 100th post but for the life of me I don't know what it means. Oh well....4 more posts to go shey?
Have you ever tried chasing a 9 month baby wiv a vacuum cleaner while she attempts to speed-crawl to safety? Most hilarious thing I've ever seen...I console myself with the fact that after 5 minutes her brain will wipe away every memory of the incident...u gotta love children u know *diabolical laugh*
So....I met Juiceegal yesterday *smirks as Naija bad boi.... raises eyebrow*. The babe was, as expected, a rep. of her pseudonym. Don't look at me like dat jo shey pesin no fit hang wiv fine
gurl again lol. We went to see Inglorious Basterds *spots avenue to change topic* Seeing as I am a sucker for a Quentin Tarantino movie (Kill Bill and Pulp fiction) I have one word for him...Quentin U r a Basterd! I loved the movie, I loved all the charaters especially the villain cos he wa so cunning and diabolical that he made evil look awesome. Juiceegal was squeamish sha and u can trust Quentin to supply u wiv enough dismemberment and blood splatter...it was so cute seeing her cringe lol...platonically cute oh, cos na so una dey start rumour...I knwo some pple go still talk anyhow sha lol
Omo I know it's rather redundant to keep talking about the wahala in naija but wen shoe dey pinch you 4 leg shey u fi' ignore am? This kidnapping thing na serious sonetin oh! It's basically a business opportunity now, some pple dey sing, some pple dey into politics and some pple are into hijacking human lives, it's that simple. You may not fully grasp the severity of this situation and even I didn't fully relate to the growing fear until the father of a friend of mine got kidnapped. I think it was like d swine flu thing, you don't fully understand how pple feel until you experience it or someone you know does. I imagined the terror the family must have been put through and I was just happy to hear her popsy was released...with a dent in his account but alive nonetheless. The other day I was talking to my popsy and he said it's almost a norm now to hear that someone had been kidnapped and sometimes even a man's son can arrange for his father to be kidnapped (whether the man dey warn me I no know). You know what baffles me, the amount of inhumanity and cruelty human beings are capable of showing each other, the things selfishness will make pple do all in d name of 'hustling'. Kidnapping is a lazy man's way of dodging a 9-5 , a slackers idea of making money and a ignorant person's way of pouring creativity down the drain.
So I love my future career, I love computers and I love IT, I may loathe computer programming but I love IT still. However there are some professions I find absolutely awesome just cos of what they get to do on a daily basis. For instance I wud love to be a Doctor just so I can give pple injections, specifically I'd like to be a gynecologist hehe! "Doctor Robert, I have a spliting headache and sore throat" "Well it's obvious the problem is 4rm ur boobs, please take of ur top so I can examine you closely". I'd love to be a policeman just so I can slap handcuffs on pple and read dem their rights LOL! I'd also want to pull pple over and make thier lives miserable...except you are a woman ofcourse...then we can work out a deal *wink*. I also love to be a Hugh Hefner's Personal Assistant...purely because of the benefits and bonuses attached specified in the job description *wink wink*

lol i made it after all...
awww you finally met your e-wife. how cute.. how was the movie.
you are a devil oh, how can you do that to that poor baby..
i heard my cousin's friend told people to kidnap him because his dad refuse to give him allowance as par the strike and everything(no school- no dough)
Its the new bizness now in naija...
see your life ,so that is the reason you want to be a doctor. Make God no punish you for dia.
awww.. juiceegal has always been a fine girl...
cute dat u both met sha
3rd or 4th...lol
nice i guess just a random, random post like u said... Like the baby part...lol
pls check out my blog :)
Robby, u be serious olodo, shey na over front-goodies dey cause headache? Teacher don teach me nonsense.
aww how cute!!
do you look as funny and ridiculous as you write?lmao
u met my twinnie!!!ok!
tht kidnapping thing scares me!!!!!thank God ur not a gynaecologist!!
Robby you are a dodo.!!!
I swear.!
dang this whole kidnapping thing is getting serious doe.!
God help Nigeria
You're really repping the bad bois eh? If only pikins can talk.
And now I can't wait for the weekend and IngBtds
e go shock you say fringe benefits no dey bein Hugh's PA...omo this guy u don dey overuse this random post something oh....its like a get out of jail free card...YOU EARN IT!
Chei!!! I wish d baby cld talk u 4 hear am today...lol
Scribbles and JuiceGal, watching a movie K.I... U knw rest abi...lol, I no talk anythin oh, b4 dey say its taio dt said it...
Kidnapping is too regular, it evn now lyk an interview b4 dey kidnap a young person dey ll first asks Who be ur fada?...true story
I luv IT 2 but av 2 finish skwl to fully luv it...lol
LOL, gnaecologist!!!!!*the problem is from your boobs* hilarious mehn!!
let that baby grow up oh, you go SEE!
wicked uncle,if only babies could talk.
and u, a gynaecologist, we r all in trouble and d kidnapping thing, my dad actually told me dat i should not go out of the house because when they see me they will think he has money and he's not ready to drop a dime right now 4 any body( is it my fault peple mistake me 4 a half caste, mscheew) bt its sad sha d way naja is going.
Ah, need to go see that flick!
Gynecologist,policeman,Hefner's P.A..? Hnnm no comment mehn,lol.
Lol@all ur possible occupations. Kidnappin has gotten so random dat i hear dey even kidnap okada men. From militancy, it has turned2 an occupation.
IDIIIOOOOOOT!!! lol...that baby fit don swear for you like that...
i feel your theory on the cause of headache...
as a fellow practicin doc, i'll suggest that you give her special apointments for special attention for special treatments for special results at a special location...YOU CODE? lol!
lmao, ur an idiot, until they sue you for mal=practice.We thank God you're not a doctor, lol
Omo, the kidnapping thing serious ooh! and you're right you never know till it happes to someone close to you
so did you pick the movie for a reason? wink!wink, other than the fact you love Tarantino? have anything to do with the squirmish bit and juicegal?
I'm going to see Inglourious Basterds soon. Can't wait!
Hmmm at the kidnapping ish. For real? Have they returned Pete Edochie yet even?
awww you met juiceegirl!hmmm nawa for the shap shap jist you wrote about her shaaaaaaaaaaaa! LOL. Haba how dare you scare a baby with a vacuum :( ......MEANIEEEE! and if that is your reason for wanting to be a doctor, May you never succeed...and blogsville will say.......AMENNNNNNN!!!!!! lwkmd.
lol HH PA?
No comment dude..No comment
And u n juiceegal...hmmm hmmmm na me go start d rumor NO WORRY!
A vacuum cleaner! That's ingenious, why didn't I think of that? ... but when that baby grows up and has power issues and starts chasing random pedestrians with a car we know who to blame!
The kidnapping thing is going out of style now, don't worry cos I heard in some places they are kidnapping for as low as 5000 ... now the deal is to surrender an Ak47 and claim former militant then start earning a salary for that.
u met ur e-wifey?
aww cuteness.
But seriously, what were u thinking doing that to the poor innocent child?
where is juiceegal? does she knw what she is getting into?
I seriously pray u have not scarred the child o!(must have been a sight) lol. God sure knew what he was doing when he didnt direct u to med schl. This kidnapping biz has gotten outta hand o, they dont even need to know who ur daddy is, they ask for paltry sums btwn 3 - 10k and u are home free (the same day o!) God, help Nigeria.
You dad is using style to tell you not to think of planing not to talk of executing it.
Cute you finally met your e-wife
Dr Robby! ur such a meanie uncle, hope u'll tell us when baby genius revolts sha.
Dont u wish u were a lawyer, ur missing out on the sexy wigs and the nice gown!
@BSNC: Omo free me na, me and d baby have an understanding so dat oen no konsin u, as for me being a doctor...no lie...dem dey enjoy!
@Anony: Yeah she is kinda cute...
@Emmymillion: If this is ur first time here i can understand...Sir Scribbles is all about the randomness
@Leggy: As usual Leggy nwa m' I don't knwo whether u r coomplimenting me or otherwise..however I am awesome you know!
@Tinu: lol, yeah I met your twinnie oh, even though half the time she wanted to cut my head
@Bubbles: Your own is just to be putting leg everywhere and shouting dodo shey?...dodo bubbles lol
@Myne: Okay I have read ur comment over and over again and don't understand it...as 4 d baby...she has forgotten all about it lol
@Chari: omo even if d wages are crap I go still be hard worker...get it lol. Omo free me and my random post na, shey u dey crase ni?
@Taio: U know ur head, d one on ur shoulder...it is not correct, na so rumour dey start o! LOL@ who be ur fada. OMo wat aspect of IT are you into me dey find mentor oh?
@cerebrallybusy: Omo d job has some majot benefits o no joke!
@gwynne:LOL..omo u resemble halfcast?..interesting...where u talk sey u dey live again? lol
@blogoratti: Omo d movie is tight as far as I'm concerned, that's d last time I'm going to listent to critics.
@Ms. Dufa: dem dey kidnap who? Okada mehn ke? now dat is just sad
@david: LMAO! Omo guy u r on d same frequence wiv me...special treatment LOL!!!!!
@Zena: see ur head..u want to satrt blogsville scandal shey?
God pass u zena lol.
@Yinkuslolo: Thunder scatter ur head nd ur pink laptop
@Dark Neo: LOL! dude is was so friggin hilarious, it's was like she was in a pediatric version of SAW. Omo guy d stories I hear about the sturvs are just sad u know...I dey fear 4 pple now oh
@Miss Fab: They've released him oh thank God, I loved teh movie sha, can't wait for the dvd
@Ebony: u wan follow dem satrt rumour shey...stop right there!! Enemy of progress, I say I want to be a doctor nd u r against me..GOD PASS YOU OH!
@Fabulo-la: Omo no even try start rumour mehn lol.
@Chayoma: getting into ke? what are you talking about biko? take ur tim eoh, shey una wan start scandal...watch urself oh!!! lol
@Sumptuous, finally someone who gets the hilarity of the whole thing lol..it ' was friggin funny. Omo i am just hearing this one oh, d kidanping thing is just disheartening
@The girl wiv d red hair: The guy sha got his message across so he can rest assured I won't ahve him kidnapped lol
@Neo: Sexy wigs and gowns...are we talking about a lil role playing..ah dis blog is PG13 oh lol
did u chase a baby wt a vacuum cleaner?
i dnt blame u 4 talkn abt nigeria, its annoyin, plus its our country. if we dont get mad abt it who will?
dnt kidnap ur popc sha oh. xpt we can share d money...
oh well, is that how u reply a crush.... even my Mac is threatened
@rayo: see u, so u want me to kidnap my popsy nd share d ransom wiv u?...why we no kidnap ur own popsy biko?
@yinkuslolo: lol, una wan start scandal dats why i sent the thunder to you, b4 u know it blog(s)ville gist go dey buzz wiv headlines of me nd juiceegal lol...
u still don't get it. it's alright though.
@yinkus: mail
EHN...scribbles...u did wat??!!! ahn ahn...Juicegal i tot i had stolen u naw....*glances towards rene*...am only joking ooo...ehn ehn..
Lmao @ "Well it's obvious the problem is 4rm ur boobs, please take of ur top so I can examine you closely"
ur just a dodo boy like bubbles said...
hahahah...platonically cute?
u do crack me up!
oya E-sermon is finally here...carry ur hand straight to my blog now!!!
juicegal and Robert sittin on a tree....H A H A H A ing. i already knew that :P.
saw the movie before u, so i am wayyyy cooler than u...
and am the meanie???, u are going around tramatizing lil children for no reason.....there is no peace for the wicked oh.
i feel weird coming to this blog considering how much of a bad luck carrier u r.
the no breathing space in ur house must be draining all the blood from your mind she!??? i forsee chronic back pains and neck strains in ur future!
this does not in anyway change how i feel about you, u r still a foolish boy,and your own is coming!!
@ Scribbles, YOU ARE A REAL DODO BOI..haba!!!
Yinkus dey try tell you say she get **SERIOUS CRUSH** on you and that her MAC (which i feel she loves very much) is even threatened...
Scribbles you are disturbed! Confirmed! LOOL at d problem is with ur boobs take ur top off!! one of my guy friends is a doctor and he was complainig about the amount of boobies he's seen, esp all d old gross women with wrinkly shrivlled tits! it go tire you!
But I can defo relate to wanting to be a police. I would so molest people and abuse my power!!
I am looking forward to this 100th post so much more now that uve been hyping it up!!!!
@NBB: my friend go and sit down, na only u sabi woman shey...pipe! guy wen u dey show na?
@CC: CC iahev one word for u, e-otumokpo and sexy Chinese comments lol. U know I still love u no matter how badly u treat me
@Gee: E-sermon shey? I dey go church na na
@David: Guy u be pant oooo! shey na so u go just announce dis kin thing, if it is true who d babe go feel as u so openly analyse her coded comment..na u bee d dodo boy lol
Miss b: Can u imagine dat? someone being tired of boobs..d irony is unbelievable. Omo d hype is too much shey...hope i can deliver sha
i havent been here in a min lol
ohh i wanna see that movie...
ok so i'm a bit lost...they are kidnapping people in nig??
ohmydiddys...thats bad
since when??
Erm BSNC u're in my spot
ehen.....how come im just reading dis???
Y r u disgracing me here on blogsville?? must everybody know i'm squeamish ehn?? lol
Kidnappin is getting out of hands in Naija o..i had a personal experience nd it was not even funny...God help us all.
Scribbles, your mind, splitting headache and sore throat and boobs... in the same sentence. Too good. And umm, why aren't I meeting bloggers; *sad face* and chasing a little kid with a vacuum cleaner....? I want to watch that movie...but I'll probably close my eyes throughout!!
You are off the hook! How could you chase your baby cousin with a vacuum cleaner. I am telling your aunt! Oh and your mother!
I dey do software engineerin oh... buh its u dt is tru wit college we go luk up 2 as mentor...
lol..I heard the kidnappers were going on strike for a while! maybe they want better pay..bloody idiots in this world!
but I can understand where they are coming from though, it's not like there's a huge supply of 9-5 jobs in Naija for them to grab is it now?
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