If you place your hand on your chest you feel the Rythm of your heart and if you listen hard you'll hear the song of your life. Every day you're alive a new verse is written and your lifestyle is the chorus. Some songs will make you laugh, some will make people cry, some will bring love and some will spark hate. Your song affects you and those who listen to it, what song are you singing and whose...
a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Duality of insanity
The world sees "Insanity" as a negative state of mind and those exhibiting it as "Mentally unsatble". However, to a "Mad man" the world is "mad" and he is the only "sane one". If we were all "mad" and there was just one "sane" person we would consider ourselves "sane" and the "sane" person "mad". Who then has the right to judge "sanity", is it the "mad" person or the "sane" person who, technically,...
To say someone is beautiful is to say the perosn is immortal, beauty doesn't die, not with time or age. Beauty is infinite and immortal and even after the physical presence of a beautiful person expires its essence lingers on like the constant scent of a perfume, a remnant of the beauty that was once physical but now intangible. Immortal even after death, a beautiful person therefore never dies but...
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
A day in the life of the Scribbler.
This is a true story but the names have be changed and some details omittedNow I'm not usually this Ill-lucked but today just seemed to be one of those days where every mishap I'd considered and avoided throughout the month staged a coup to wreck one day for me.I woke up with a headache, how does one wake up with a headache? after a few minutes I decided not to take medication...it was too early for...
Online etiquette
The number of pple who sign up and are constant patrons of social networking sites these days is through the roof. I won't bore yoou with the statistics (That punishment is for my Lecturer who gave us the assignment in the first place) but I doubt u won't be surprised when you see them. I don't deny being a social networker myself, an avid one for that matter, how else could I find old class mates...
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Vanity's Mirage
This is a true story but the names and locations have been changed to protect identities...plus I don't have enough money to withstand a lawsuit lol!Now this is my first attempt at blogging and I come from a background of constant online chatting and emailing so if u see 'nd' it means 'and', '4' is 'for'...u get the picture.Okay it starts with a girl, we'll call her Rita, I never knew Rita personally...