a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Tuesday, 31 March 2009


10:47 Posted by Sir Scribbles 4 comments
To say someone is beautiful is to say the perosn is immortal, beauty doesn't die, not with time or age. Beauty is infinite and immortal and even after the physical presence of a beautiful person expires its essence lingers on like the constant scent of a perfume, a remnant of the beauty that was once physical but now intangible. Immortal even after death, a beautiful person therefore never dies but lives forever.

A stroll through the neighbourhood offered me an encounter which I am yet to explain elaboratly, as at this moment this is all I can say:"The constant bass from my earphones distracted me as the sweet smelling breeze blew past me. I then took a second look because my first was unintentional and saw the most beautiful song ever wriiten, My eyes were humbled for they couldn't stare too long, I looked away in respect. Respect because I imagined a stanza for her feet, a chorus for her body, a note for her face and a wonderful tune for her hair. What a beautiful song she was....

Till this day I know not her name but when the memory resurfaces I cannot but wonder if I'll ever see her again. She is stuck in my mind singing forever and that has made her Immortal


Anonymous said...

this is deep man.....damn wen I was readin it I felt it in my bones lik cold heat...

skinnichic said...

You're really good...you evoke serious emotion with prose and that's a feat.

G-FUNC said...

"............a stanza for her feet, a chorus for her body, a note for her face and a wonderful tune for her hair. What a beautiful song she was...."

this line did it for me,real cool and poetic,and by the way,exschoolnerd sent me here

.. said...

cha bruv...cha..