a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Friends, Sex & tings

07:26 Posted by Sir Scribbles , , 35 comments
It's the age old question peeps, Can a guy and a girl be friends without any sexual tension between them? Can a girl have a guy as a "BFF", as some would like to call it, without any underlying sexual intent? I think it's possible but rare. I think it's actually possible for a guy and girl to be really close friends without thinking about shagging each other. So why do I say it's rare then? Simple,...

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Your hair has a name?!

04:26 Posted by Sir Scribbles 25 comments
Wonders will never cease! I've heard a lot of interesting and shocking things in this life but the info. I stumbled upon a few nights ago was numbing simply cos it's something that's been all around me and I never noticed. This is the convo that initiated everything and it's between two members of my Twitfam on Twitter:@tammywarmate to @MsItoro "omg i love ur hair! what is the name of ur weave??"I...

Monday, 15 March 2010

Old loves & Hate...

02:21 Posted by Sir Scribbles 15 comments
Seeing as I'm going back to my old loves I've decided to blog as often as an idea hits me. I was doing a little introspection a while back and realised I was tired of the Spoof Ads and the Celebrity blog brawls campaign. I can't explain it really but I feel it's time to rummage deeper into myself and blog about things that mean more to my readers than just a few laughs. The things is, no matter what...

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Back to old loves

04:46 Posted by Sir Scribbles 12 comments
Wagwan peeps?! I know it's been a while and I sincerely apologise for the inconsistent updates. I've had a lot of things to deal with lately and blogging seemed more like a burden to me. However, in light of recent events I've decided to go back to the things I love, the things that made me happy and the things that compensated for all the nastiness planet earth has to offer. I'm close to a rant at...