a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Friday, 25 June 2010

Technology is evil

17:34 Posted by Sir Scribbles 30 comments
(NB: This is a satirical post) Ladies and Gentlemen, I am posting today to bring an argument before you. I am here with one intention and it is to convince you that Technology is evil! It is the the spawn of malevolent minds and intentions. It is the bringer of sorrow and despair. It is the epitome...

Sunday, 13 June 2010

The Pastor, Scribbles & The Prophecy: Conclusion

14:27 Posted by Sir Scribbles 29 comments
So, Pastor "Seer" said he'd had a vision and in the future I'd be gay. My reply was "o_O". In my head I was saying "Shey dis man dey mad? Me? Robert, Gay? How? From where?" He kept on repeating how accurate his visions have always been and he knew I'd be shocked but if I was willing to work closely with him he could help me prevent the vision from coming to pass. Sounds like the plot of a time travel...

The Pastor, Scribbles & The Prophecy

10:48 Posted by Sir Scribbles 22 comments
This is a post I've wanted to do for a very very long time but didn't think it was appropriate until now. It's about A Pastor and his "prophecy" about Sir Scribbles. Interested yet? I'm sure you already are:This began sometime in march 2009. I and my Sister had been convinced by a family friend to join this church he'd been going to for about a year. We'd been searching for a suitable church for about...