a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Thursday, 25 February 2010

On an Aristo and Yahoo-Yahoo ting!

04:54 Posted by Sir Scribbles 15 comments
Before I begin I'd like to state for the record that this post is based on a lot of feasible assumptions. I will not give you examples or cite people or places directly but I'm sure you'll find my assumptions quite realistic and maybe even true if you are or know someone who's in a similar situation. On an Aristo, Aristos are basically people (usually girls) who 'get with' much older and financial...

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Sir Scribbles' Super Uber Mega Celebrity Blog Brawl #2

04:27 Posted by Sir Scribbles 9 comments
The Celebrities are Brutal, the Commentary is unforgiven and the Rules are non-existent. Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to another episode of violent nonsensical outlandish fun! Our gladiators tonight are well known, famous and talented in their own way so without further ado let's bring them out!ROLL...

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

It hasn't been that long has it?

14:23 Posted by Sir Scribbles 15 comments
SHET! E don tey oh! I haven't been here in a while. Just looked at my calendar and realised I hadn't been here in a long while. Shameful? yes! Disappointing? I know! Got an excuse? Yes I do and it's called school. Yes I am a student, again, and for those of you who's jaws just dropped to the floor you can like to pick them up cos your eyes rnt deceiving you. I'm back in geek mode and loving it mehn!...