a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Monday, 15 March 2010

Old loves & Hate...

02:21 Posted by Sir Scribbles 15 comments
Seeing as I'm going back to my old loves I've decided to blog as often as an idea hits me. I was doing a little introspection a while back and realised I was tired of the Spoof Ads and the Celebrity blog brawls campaign. I can't explain it really but I feel it's time to rummage deeper into myself and blog about things that mean more to my readers than just a few laughs. The things is, no matter what I talk about there'll always be an element of humour in it because that is how I'm built. I'm not saying the old Sir Scribbles is obsolete and I'm not saying there's a new one either. See it as a remodelling process where I, Sir Scribbles, add and remove things that I consider necessities and excess respectively.

First order of business, I've changed my blog theme...again. Within the last 24hrs I've changed it about 10 times trying to find a new theme that fits the blog and me. I know some of you preferred the theme that had that kid with the headphones at the top but I needed to change the theme because it felt like I'd been wearing the same clothes for ages. I thought I'd found the perfect theme last night but I didn't like some of the feedback I got so I've chosen this one and it's probably the last one I'll try out so if you no like am you're going to have to deal with it because I no get energy to theme-hunt anymore. I say that with love though.

Speaking of love, is it alright to hate someone? I asked this question on Twitter and got some interesting responses. Some people thought it was okay to hate someone if the person did something heinous to you or your family while some thought hate only felt appropriate at that very moment when whatever had been done had the most effect. Someone also said that at that very moment when you feel hatred for someone it is not that person you hate but the situation. At the moment I am still trying to decipher that response. Finally, someone said hate was too strong a word and should be replaced with "Strong dislike" or "Loathe". What do you think? Is it okay to hate someone or is hate too strong to use on anyone? Cats hate dogs, Jews hated Hilter and Decepticons hate Autobots, are all of them wrong?


BSNC said...

Meaning the semi old you is death and gone.. okay let's see how this goes

AliceDCL said...

hate is really strong...
i agree with the person that said we onky really hate the situatoons..
i guess its possible to hate someone that has done u evil, not wrong but evil, u know, hypotheticaly speaking
d robbers that rob ur home at night kill ur husband and child and rape u and leave u with hiv,
now ur allowed to hate
and possibly kill that person
my 2cents

kay9 said...

New theme, not bad at all.

Of course its okay to hate someone - wharreva floats whoever's boat.

But me, i dont have time to hate, too much stress if u ask me. If is a guy, i just have it out wiv him; if a babe, then i just let it go. Hating on babes is a COLOSSAL waste of time - achieves nothing and saps you of energy needed in other areas. ;)

Naija bad boi.... said...

new theme..cool...too dark...evil...well u said u wont change it sooo...
so what r u saying now ehn/? your gonna be boring/.. haa...ok ooo...

btw @bsnc ... GBAGAUN!!! hehehe

Sugarking said...

lol @ Decepticons hate Autobots. I don't think hate is something we can avoid tho. If you've been wronged badly, it just creeps up on you. But it's when people start beefing you, for no reason at all (or vice versa) that it changes from hate to bad bele. Na that one u suppose run from. lol

Anonymous said...

This new template is pretty dark compared to the old one so it feels like a new blog.

honey91 said...

first off-i love ure new theme!
second, if ur religion doesnt specify love ur neighbour then i see no reason why hating is wrong... TO U!

however if ur religion does, then as a matter of fact, even if BBB's situation occurs, u re expected to love and forgive...
ofcourse dats near impossible but thats how it is.

Unknown said...

sometimes I hate o..But Now, I've come to believe that its better to hate or dislike the attitude not the person.. Bot its hard o..
please visit http://helpnigeria.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

sometimes I hate o..But Now, I've come to believe that its better to hate or dislike the attitude not the person.. Bot its hard o..
please visit http://helpnigeria.blogspot.com

Fragilelooks said...

HATE IS A THING OF A WEAK MIND. I USED TO HATE BUT REalized it was a lot of energy wasting.

Myne said...

hello again, I like the new theme. As for hatred, I think it just saps unnecessary energy. I'd rather just ignore someone and move on with my life.

Looking forward to more of the new you.

leggy said...

hate fades with time....its not okay to hate but ive hated.

kay9 said...

Robby, why did u change it again?? The last one was cool (i mean the one i commentd on, dunno how many times its changed since then).

@leggy: where'v u been?

LusciousRon said...

Hatred consumes people. You can hate if you will NOT get caught up in it.

Loré said...

hate is a very strong emotion...it is a lot of energy..negative energy. the only reason it is not ok to hate is because you will have a lot of negativity (anger, resentment, pain etc) in your life and the funny thing is, it might not even affect the person you are hating.

just like love, its impossible to avoid hating someone or something.