a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Toilet Graffiti is the devil's way of saying waste ur brain!

15:04 Posted by Sir Scribbles 12 comments
There are some things in this life that I fail to comprehend properly, not like I'm supposed to understand everything but there are some little things that just elude my understanding and anytime I try to appreciate or at least grasp the motive behind these things I end up more confused than I was in the beginning. One of the things I can't seem to wrap my head around is toilet graffiti...I FRIGGIN HATE TOILET GRAFFITI!!!!!!!! I don't get why people write on the walls of a toilet to be honest. First of all I hate public toilets, I'd rather wear a diaper for the whole friggin day than do a number 1, 2 or even 3 in a public toilet but seeing as I have a reputation to think about I have to compromise when situatiosn become 'dire'. I was forced to compromise one day and take a leak in a public toilet, it was at a train station and I wasn't sure I had the 'bladderbility' to hold it till I got to my stop. Anways I was in the one of the stalls and it was one of those moments where you aren't really thinking straight until you are done taking a leak, after that u start to take in your surroundings and realise what's really going on around you. This toilet stall was marred with graffiti mehn, as in everywhere! There were so many drawings of private parts and sex positions that you could lose your virginity just from just touching the wall. Doodles about anything and everything were everywhere I tell you and someone even wrote down all the lyrics from a 2-pac song on the stall's door. Seriously ehn if I've never heard a 2-pac song before would the inside wall of a public toilet be the best place to advertise it to me? Now this is just baffling! How do people come up with this stuff please? how long does it take some people to shit that they get so bored that they have to entertain themselves by writting 2-pac songs on the wall? How nasty do you have to be to be thinking about sex when you're sitting on the porcelain thrown biko? Is it on some people's to-do list?
1. Buy milk,
2. Pick up laundry
3. Defac public toilet wiv drawings of male genitals.
It's really hard for me to get why someone would take out a pen, chalk, pencil or marker and start writting or drawing on the walls of a public toilet. Think about it for a second, a dude stands infront of a wall after doing his business and then says to himself:
"This wall looks rather bland, maybe I should entertain myself and the other innocent, unsuspecting patrons of this here stall by carving all the pet names I have for my johnson onto it, afterall I'm in a public toilet and bored out of my mind" Please can someone enlighten me on this issue?
Everytime I walk into a toilet and see graffiti on the walls I'm hit by a wave of bewilderment, to me it's just an exhibition of how bored, gross and irresponsible peeps can be to be honest. Don't even get me started on folks who throw gum on d streets or stick it under chairs...I go just vex fling laptop 4 wall!!!

btw if you haven't seen my birthday wishlist then hop on over to http://royalscribblesdeux.blogspot.com/2009/11/wish-list.html. For the lovely people interested in making this Igbo boy happy on the 19th of december you can mail me for delivery as well as other miscellaneous details at robbyscribbles@gmail.com.

I haven't done a spoof ad in a while you know?...Peace out peeps!!!!


CerebrallyBusy said...


cant read now though...il be back later...

Giagerry said...

i am second!!

Giagerry said...

toilet grafitti...or even train station grafitti!!

Yinkuslolo said...

ive not really tot of toilet graffiti as offensive, and imma be on the other side of the fence when i tell u that i actually pay heed to everything written on toilet walls, with gratitude.

confession #1, when i put up posters, i put them up in the restrooms. pple read the shit u write on the toilet walls yo. and ive learnt a lot of things during my stay in the toilet/restroom/shit hole.

yo, this may be my next post.

Azazel said...

Lmao @ bladderbiliy.. Chai this guy u slay me daily.

FASCHE said...

lol, its amusing how you articulate things!

Neo said...

biko which one is number 3?

shorty said...

I detest toilet grafitti too,like seriously how do they come up with the idea of writing on the walls sef,abi na all the pleasure from the work they are doing there,ah ahn!

Bubbles said...

number 3?
prolly a combination of one and two

chayomao said...


public toilet graffittii....

Rayo said...

its sooooo pisn. saw mo dan enuf of it wyl i was in q.c

Yinkuslolo said...

hmm, wud u mind wrapping up ur bloggin mojo for the year of '09. how far son?