a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Sunday, 26 April 2009


01:10 Posted by Sir Scribbles 4 comments
Some of my friends think I'm crazy, they so I'm so random I make the word sound consistent. It's nt my fault that's the way Scribblenation works....Scribblenation is the name I gave my mind...I'm crazy right? lol. Anyway I was thinking of something to blog about and I decided to talk about myself and...

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Revelations of Little Insanities Part deux

03:33 Posted by Sir Scribbles 4 comments
Entertainment, Women and Madness: Okay for years now women have been pushing the whole equality thing in societies. They want equal rights as men and want to get the same treatment men get at work, play etc. I'm not against this and it's all good but it's like the female resistance has a few saboteurs in its camp. I'm referring to the booty shaking, thigh spanky, waist twisting mamas we see on TV....

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

87.9 Scribbleselecta FM

19:23 Posted by Sir Scribbles 1 comment
Wats up Chicks and Dudes of the Blogoshere this is DJ Scribbles bringin u the latest gist 4rm the Music industry, 4rm bumping beats to lyrical mayhem there's so much to talk about but urs truly has selected only a few to bring to your lovely ears (eyes lol) today. First off I'd like to say that the music industry seems to be getting a bit repetitive in the sense that songs are actually starting to...

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Thoughts of the Scribbler 2

05:53 Posted by Sir Scribbles 3 comments
We are all drawn to one another as if fitted with invisble magnets looking for others of attractiing polarity. Why do we make friends, find partners and want lovers? It is as if we are all created to socialise by default, Is it a habit or an addiction? A blessing or a curse? You can explain this scientifically, socially or spiritually but the question still remains. I may chatter on and on about...

Thoughts of the Scribbler 1

05:31 Posted by Sir Scribbles 1 comment
Why am I a man? I use to be a child, carefree and non-chalant, I had no worries and no troubles, my mind use to be filled with unimpotant things and caution use to be constantly thrown to the wind....I use to be a child but now I am a man. Money, Women, Power and Achievement never thrilled me like the adventures my imagination created for me...I may be a man but as a man what am I supposed to do?...

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Mekus my guy!!!

16:46 Posted by Sir Scribbles 6 comments
This is a true story, the names have been changed to protect IdentitiesI looked out the window nd the clear blue sky fueled my enthusiasm even more, I felt like doing something for a friend today, I just woke up and felt like making the day special and doin something for a friend that we'd both remember and possibly share a laugh over. Another reason why I wanted to do this was cos a few hrs b4 at...

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Revelations of Little insanities Part Un

15:31 Posted by Sir Scribbles 4 comments
Little insanities and revelations is my attempt to enlighten you concerning little things we ignore everyday that are actually signs of insanity....nuf said LET'S GO THERE!!!Eve revealed: Okay I'm not a sexist or anything but I believe the whole wahala we r facing today started from Eve and I'll tell you why. Okay God created Adam right?, put him in charge of the garden of Eden and all dat, in my...