a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Friday, 25 June 2010

Technology is evil

17:34 Posted by Sir Scribbles 30 comments
(NB: This is a satirical post) Ladies and Gentlemen, I am posting today to bring an argument before you. I am here with one intention and it is to convince you that Technology is evil! It is the the spawn of malevolent minds and intentions. It is the bringer of sorrow and despair. It is the epitome...

Sunday, 13 June 2010

The Pastor, Scribbles & The Prophecy: Conclusion

14:27 Posted by Sir Scribbles 29 comments
So, Pastor "Seer" said he'd had a vision and in the future I'd be gay. My reply was "o_O". In my head I was saying "Shey dis man dey mad? Me? Robert, Gay? How? From where?" He kept on repeating how accurate his visions have always been and he knew I'd be shocked but if I was willing to work closely with him he could help me prevent the vision from coming to pass. Sounds like the plot of a time travel...

The Pastor, Scribbles & The Prophecy

10:48 Posted by Sir Scribbles 22 comments
This is a post I've wanted to do for a very very long time but didn't think it was appropriate until now. It's about A Pastor and his "prophecy" about Sir Scribbles. Interested yet? I'm sure you already are:This began sometime in march 2009. I and my Sister had been convinced by a family friend to join this church he'd been going to for about a year. We'd been searching for a suitable church for about...

Friday, 21 May 2010

It's Summer people!!!!!

01:50 Posted by Sir Scribbles 11 comments
Mehn! I haven't been here in ages!! It's not my fault though, blame it on a lack of internet connection. Remember I told you guys I was moving into a new place? well I ordered broadband for the new place and the company delivered it a month after I moved in. No vex, I didn't mean to abandon you. Forgiven? I hope so. Ok I am around now so you can now proceed to tear ya cloth and chop battery lol. A...

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Friends, Sex & tings

07:26 Posted by Sir Scribbles , , 35 comments
It's the age old question peeps, Can a guy and a girl be friends without any sexual tension between them? Can a girl have a guy as a "BFF", as some would like to call it, without any underlying sexual intent? I think it's possible but rare. I think it's actually possible for a guy and girl to be really close friends without thinking about shagging each other. So why do I say it's rare then? Simple,...

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Your hair has a name?!

04:26 Posted by Sir Scribbles 25 comments
Wonders will never cease! I've heard a lot of interesting and shocking things in this life but the info. I stumbled upon a few nights ago was numbing simply cos it's something that's been all around me and I never noticed. This is the convo that initiated everything and it's between two members of my Twitfam on Twitter:@tammywarmate to @MsItoro "omg i love ur hair! what is the name of ur weave??"I...

Monday, 15 March 2010

Old loves & Hate...

02:21 Posted by Sir Scribbles 15 comments
Seeing as I'm going back to my old loves I've decided to blog as often as an idea hits me. I was doing a little introspection a while back and realised I was tired of the Spoof Ads and the Celebrity blog brawls campaign. I can't explain it really but I feel it's time to rummage deeper into myself and blog about things that mean more to my readers than just a few laughs. The things is, no matter what...

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Back to old loves

04:46 Posted by Sir Scribbles 12 comments
Wagwan peeps?! I know it's been a while and I sincerely apologise for the inconsistent updates. I've had a lot of things to deal with lately and blogging seemed more like a burden to me. However, in light of recent events I've decided to go back to the things I love, the things that made me happy and the things that compensated for all the nastiness planet earth has to offer. I'm close to a rant at...

Thursday, 25 February 2010

On an Aristo and Yahoo-Yahoo ting!

04:54 Posted by Sir Scribbles 15 comments
Before I begin I'd like to state for the record that this post is based on a lot of feasible assumptions. I will not give you examples or cite people or places directly but I'm sure you'll find my assumptions quite realistic and maybe even true if you are or know someone who's in a similar situation. On an Aristo, Aristos are basically people (usually girls) who 'get with' much older and financial...

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Sir Scribbles' Super Uber Mega Celebrity Blog Brawl #2

04:27 Posted by Sir Scribbles 9 comments
The Celebrities are Brutal, the Commentary is unforgiven and the Rules are non-existent. Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to another episode of violent nonsensical outlandish fun! Our gladiators tonight are well known, famous and talented in their own way so without further ado let's bring them out!ROLL...

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

It hasn't been that long has it?

14:23 Posted by Sir Scribbles 15 comments
SHET! E don tey oh! I haven't been here in a while. Just looked at my calendar and realised I hadn't been here in a long while. Shameful? yes! Disappointing? I know! Got an excuse? Yes I do and it's called school. Yes I am a student, again, and for those of you who's jaws just dropped to the floor you can like to pick them up cos your eyes rnt deceiving you. I'm back in geek mode and loving it mehn!...

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Have you met?

03:54 Posted by Sir Scribbles 19 comments
Did you like the last post? Well I know it didn't appeal to everyone but it was in my head and as usual whatever's in there gets thrown in here. Anyway hope y'all liked it?. Moving on, what do I talk about today? Women? School? Work? Ah Yes! I think I'll gist you about my intolerance for lactose. You want to hear about that? Ofcourse you do! No wait...chill...I think I'll gist you that some other...

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Sir Scribbles' Super Uber Mega Celebrity Blog Brawl

07:16 Posted by Sir Scribbles 15 comments
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to...Sir Scribbles' "SUPER UBER MEGA CELEBRITY BLOG BRAWL!" The Celebrities are Brutal, the Commentary is unforgiven and the Rules are non-existent. This is our first episode so we're going to give you a quik run-through of what you're to expect. We're all about fun and...

Monday, 18 January 2010

That's what I think sha...

07:11 Posted by Sir Scribbles 24 comments
CHEI! It's been a while sha! If you cross reference the dates between this post and my last post and then compare the values with the factorised sum of the intervals between my posts 3 months ago and then relate your results to the exact moment I started blogging then you realised that the coefficient of 10SINZU is how many days it's been since my last post. YES! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I JUST TYPED!...

Friday, 8 January 2010

We begin scribbling for 2010...

20:05 Posted by Sir Scribbles 17 comments
WAAAIT! Before you even conclude that I have left just hold it! Yes, I considered leaving, I thogth about quitting blogging and callind an end to the blogging edifice that is The Royal Scribbles...for about 5 mins lol! Did you really think I'd leave you liek dat? If was to leave blogsville where I go kon go? Where else will my insanity be considered creativity and my sillyness be seen as addictive...