Ladies and Gentlemen! We are nearly there and the 100th post is at arm's length now. In anticipation of this glorious milestone, I have taken the liberty of providing you with a little trailer. Now as usual I request just one thing from you and it is that you watch this video. If you're at work, carry system enter toilet. If you are in school tell your lecturer to wait. The koko is that u must watch...
a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Saturday, 29 August 2009
If you don't know now u know...
So 2 more posts to go...*rubs palms in excitement* a new era is imminent and men of valour have to stand up and be counted...I had to single this question out cos answering it in my 100th post wud be a very long thing so today, in this post, I will talk about myself and women.I know some of the more 'in-touch' pple among you will cringe at the thot of this expose but no, it isn't an
Friday, 28 August 2009
Spoof ad #3
Are you afraid of Jazz? Have you been jazzed? Do u know someone who has been jazzed? The world is a dangerous place and if you answered yes to any of these questions you must realise the need for adequate and efficient protection against the many "intangible" forces that seek to cause us harm. We, here at DIBIA-SURANCE, are dedicated to providing comprehensive cover against threats such as Jazz,...
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
*sings* This is the way u write a random post...random post....random post

*scratches head* What cud dis mean? Anyone got any ideas? I know for sure it has something to do with my 100th post but for the life of me I don't know what it means. Oh well....4 more posts to go shey?Have you ever tried chasing a 9 month baby wiv a vacuum cleaner while she attempts to speed-crawl...
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Scribblenation: Omnirandom....
*glances left and right, bends head* Privacy no dey dis house again, *raises head sharply b4 slowly returning to keyboard* everybody don dey mental now. My lil bro keeps glancing at my laptop wen I'm chatting...en wan see wetin pass en eye shey? My Aunt seems to think I have an underground girlfriend and she trying to catch my offguard by throwing random questons at me, My Mum is around now and I'm...
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Insane Mail
Make una run for cover oooo! Ms. 'dufa is not in a gud mood mehn! Why? cos none of us been comment on her last post...but does she know that her comment link is not working and anytime we click the comment link it doesn't work? Ms. 'dufa it's not that we didn't want to comment oh, it's cos your blog isn't allowing us to comment...take am easy wiv us na...lolNow what did i want to say again...Women...
Monday, 17 August 2009
My mama supposed kill me...
Mehn I have a lot of catching up to do, when I was glued to my laptop una no dey update blog o! But wen Sir Scribbles steps out for just three days everyone comes out to update. Well I have opened all your blogs in seperate windows here and even if it takes the whole day I will read dem all...just need to get a can of redbull first. Anyway, I just had a couple or my usual random flashbacks and realised...
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Oh yeah! I'm back!
Oh baby...*kiss**kiss*...I swear I will neva leave u gain...*kiss**kiss**kiss*, as in I missed you ehn, cudn't stop thinking about you *kiss*. Kai if I try and take a hiatus again make una handcuff me to my keyboard...nearly ran mad I swear. Okay so where does the gist start from? Shey I shud tell you what I've been doing siiiiince? Or I shud just jump into the main gist of today's post? Okay chill...
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Reality TV...up yours...wiv a plunger....spiced with Suya pepper!

First of all, shout out to my e-sister leggychukwu on her 50th post!!!!! If u think sey e easy to do 50 posts just try reading her posts...long as hell! (pot saying something rascist to kettle lol). Congrats babe!!As for me, as in I don't get, shey una wan make I beg una ehn? 100th post on d way, 9...
C/O Angel Gabe
Sir Robby Scribbles IIObodo Oyibo 09 August 2009 Dear Baba God,I would like to thank you for providing all the amenities necessary for me, Chalene, 18, and Colly ,15, to live comfortably and proudly in this Godforsken, recession stricken, subtly rascist, meteorically cursed country. I appreciate your consistent and, most of all, free-of-charge, blessings to us and as the first-born...
Saturday, 8 August 2009
What if we were all straight?
So you've read the title and thot to yourself "Well Robby is going to talk about how the world wud be a better place if we were all heterosexuals" right?...Well no! Ha! Take ur Homophobic fantasies and huddle up with the Republicans and Conservatives cos my frontyard isn't big enuf to accomodate a mob of protesting gay pple. Imagine how easy this life wud be if we were all honest, imagine how much...
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Update addict...
I need to update my blog regularly, it's not you it's me, I'm an addict, two days wivout an update and I get the shakes and start hallucinations lol...alright enuf blabber let's yarn, I do not wish to offend but merely arouse productive thinking...Now this may be a paragraph u don't normally see in my posts but i just had to ask you guys this. Abeg, on a scale of 1 to absolute nutcase where wud u...
You must feel my video oooooo!!!!
Shey una see dis video? It took me about 2hrs to try and upload it...and that was the one wiv better quality oh! Dis one here and to go through two converters to make it unto this post so I advice you watch it make I no vex. If u r at work I suggest u carry ur PC to d toilet now and watch dis video, if u r not at work u have no excuse...don't even think about skipping it and readin d post....I no...
First of all I'd like to say that I love blogsville and every single blogger in it especially the ones who commented on my last post. Una too much I swear! if pple in the world could show themselves half the consideration bloggers show to each other we wudn't have so much global headache. I will try and keep y'all posted on how it goes wiv me and her but when it comes to blogging about stuff like...
Monday, 3 August 2009
Spoof Ad #2
We live in dark times, the state of the global economy is dire and it seems like there is no end in sight. The recession has affected everything and everyone everywhere....even our dear blogsville. With blog foreclosures, the crash of the comment stock market and updates at an all-time low if a solution is not found soon we may be extiction. Who can lead us out of this turmoil towards...
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Blame d Maga
Recently I've been getting emails telling me to send my name, address, age nd all what not to some dude's email address cos I've won £1,000,000,000....imagine the insult!!! Abeg wetin dey worry yahoo boyz sef? shey of all the prospective mugus on the planet they think Sir Scribbles will be gullible enuf to fall for their crap? Maybe they think I'm naive enuf to assume the email's legit cos the names...