a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Scribbles signing out for 2009...

19:25 Posted by Sir Scribbles 19 comments
2009 don end shaaaa! Like play like play 2009 is merely hours from ending and Sir Scribbles II has a wheelbarrow's worth of things to be thankful for in 2009. I think what I'm most thankful for is Blogsville, Una too much sha! I cnt even begin to detail how much I've been blessed by you guys I swear! From people I've met to lessons I've learnt, e too much to write for one post! Thanks...that's all...

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Spoof Ad #5

16:09 Posted by Sir Scribbles 23 comments
Are you scared of humiliation? Do you hate awkwardness and loathe mortification? If you've answered yes to any of these questions then you know how it feels to be powerless when caught unaware in a less than admirable position. Man has always found a way to solve problems that have faced his society and has done remarkably well in eliminating or curbing the negative effects of such problems but some...

Friday, 18 December 2009

My mum was a superhero

03:37 Posted by Sir Scribbles 20 comments
Anyways your favourite Igbo boy was revisiting his childhood a couple days back and if you aren't familiar with my antics as a child then I'll just give you a summary right now, I was a handful! If my popsy had gotten a receipt for me when I was born he'd have returned me at the age of 6! Ok I kid I kid but I was a nutter as a child. My curiousity sent me to places that only an ass whooping would...

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

From my playlist...

07:59 Posted by Sir Scribbles 12 comments
If for any reason you read the previous post and thot to yourself "hmmm that's actually a possibilty' I'd like to have you as a roommate when I get my padded cell lol. Have you heard Charlie boy's new single? It's called 'Commercial waist' and as you may already guessed I have a comment on the tune...

Monday, 7 December 2009

The Bermuda Triangle

05:45 Posted by Sir Scribbles 4 comments
Have you heard of the Bermuda triangle? The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels are alleged to have mysteriously disappeared in a manner that cannot be explained by human error, piracy, equipment failure or natural disasters. Popular culture has attributed these disappearances...

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Sunday evening with Kate

08:48 Posted by Sir Scribbles 32 comments
It's sunday evening and I'm on my bed trying to get some work done when my sister calls me from the kitchen to tell me some of her friends are coming over. Now my sister's friends have dis common trait, some of them have this suggestive behaviour around me and to be honest I find it cute but sometimes it's a bit uncomfortable and that's because most of them are between the ages of 15-17 . It's normal...

Sunday, 29 November 2009


21:45 Posted by Sir Scribbles 21 comments
"You be soldier boy, If you no carry helmet sun go beat you, if you no carry boot snake go bite you, if you no carry gun bullet go kill you.." M.I ft. SAS - Hustle rmxSo two posts in one day? not new is it? Anyways me get stuff to yan as usual so sit down, grab a pack of crisps and sip some juice while you enjoy...no choke sha!Apparently some folks think I'm a bit mean cos in some of my posts I say...

Toilet Graffiti is the devil's way of saying waste ur brain!

15:04 Posted by Sir Scribbles 12 comments
There are some things in this life that I fail to comprehend properly, not like I'm supposed to understand everything but there are some little things that just elude my understanding and anytime I try to appreciate or at least grasp the motive behind these things I end up more confused than I was in the beginning. One of the things I can't seem to wrap my head around is toilet graffiti...I FRIGGIN...

Monday, 23 November 2009

The Wish list

13:46 Posted by Sir Scribbles 20 comments
~THE WISHLIST '09~So here it is, my birthday wishlist! My Birthday is on 19th of December and this is a list of things I'd love from anyone and possibly everyone planning on getting me a gift. I found it hard to narrow down some of my choices because I liked different styles or colours of an item in...

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Scribbles says

07:05 Posted by Sir Scribbles 24 comments
*WARNING: The following post may offend some readers*The following are 12 wise sayings from the Sagacious Sir Scribbles, read it, absorb it and live it. Don't be dismayed if you do not understand some of them though, understanding will come with time.Scribbles says..A Man with big head has a lot on his mindA Man who plays the cookie jar song at his wedding is giving his wife a heads upA Man with...

Monday, 16 November 2009

Oya collect your usual medicine.....

16:54 Posted by Sir Scribbles 31 comments
Una don dey craze shey? seriously wat the hell is going on? fight fight fight everywhere! Why is there so much beef going around ehn? pple are taking swipes at each other, calling each other names, being hateful and spiteful like it's a normal thing. I tire 4 una oh, there use to be a time wen we'd all laugh, say what we wanted and still be friends after the last full stop. I tire 4 una drama oh,...

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Uncles in the house!

18:00 Posted by Sir Scribbles 62 comments
I wanted to post the concluding part of my last post but that will have to be pushed back for now because I have more important gist. I remember telling you guys that my baby cousin's first birthday was coming up, on the 7th of November to be precise. I have to settle down to give y'all the gist so make I start.We started planning this party like a month ago, my uncle is a confirmed party monger and...

Friday, 6 November 2009

The Division (concluded)

11:04 Posted by Sir Scribbles 6 comments
If you read the last post then you already know what the deal is, my pal Richie is in a bit of a dilemna because he's dating a white girl and his mum isn't happy with the idea. I was always accused of negligence because I let my friend fall into teh hands of a white girl. Now this wasn't what bothered me abouut the whole issue, what bothered me was the way Richie's mum and uncle analysed the whole...

Sunday, 1 November 2009

The Division

10:00 Posted by Sir Scribbles 25 comments
This is a post that's like 3 months old but the subject matter is as fresh as bread out of an oven. I'll give you a run-through of the incident that prompted it all and if you haven't already realised it this is going to be one of those moments where Sir Scribbles isn't as comical as customary.The sister of a friend of mine was getting married. I'm really close to the family especially the last-born,...

Monday, 26 October 2009

Make I gist you...

20:18 Posted by Sir Scribbles 15 comments
It's been a while since I gave you pple solid Sir Scribble gist shey? Don't mind me mehn, Tatafo Today wan scatter my head lol. It's like I opened a can of worms wiv dat post cos now I can't watch the news or read a newspaper without interpreteing it satirically lol. It's all gud sha, I sha get gist 4 una. Everyone in this house don dey disturb me about woman, some are merely curious while some are...

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Tatafo Today 2

20:03 Posted by Sir Scribbles 14 comments
Thank you for joining us once again on Tatafo Today, your trusted and verifed source for the latest and stale news with a slight twist. Today's headlines...A disney movie titled 'Blindness' has recently received serious critisicm from filmwatchers. The movie centres around the events transpiring after a viral breaout take saway people's sight. The most enraged members of the community seem to be...

Monday, 19 October 2009

Tatafo Today!

09:03 Posted by Sir Scribbles 20 comments
Good evening, My name is Robert Scribbles and this is Tatafo today bringing you the world's latest and stale news with a twist. Before we begin we'd like to observe a minute silence for the Premeir league teams Liverpool and Chelsea as once again they have shown that anyone foolish enough opposes Manchester United will be put to sleep by teams of lesser standard and managers with smaller bellies....

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Revelations of little insanities part 5

10:53 Posted by Sir Scribbles 22 comments
It's been a while since I did one of these, quite odd really considering the world has an endless supply of craziness. Anyway as usual these are observations that you shud not waste your time googling unless you take shit way too seriously and consequently may end up in the next installment of the series lol...enjoy!The human race has been seen alot of technological advancements, for example we've...

Friday, 9 October 2009

Sire's threads

06:58 Posted by Sir Scribbles 7 comments
The house was quiet but for the humming of the washing machine. Odera was home alone once again and left with only his random thoughts for company. Odera sat by the bedroom window staring at the concrete clad street below, his eyes darted from pedestrains to passing cars but his mind had wandered far beyond the limits of his sight. He never complained about the boring afternoons he had to spend at...

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Feli Feli Issues S01E01

16:08 Posted by Sir Scribbles 20 comments
Welcome to Feli Feli Issues, I'm your host Royal Blogger and on this show our expert analysts analyse the hot topics in the world today giving us their expert opnions and insight. Today we have three guest analysts and they are Nigerian Politician, Religious Leader and Atheist Writer. Welcome everyone and todays topic is Swine Flu. what are your opinions?Nigerian Politician: Bloody white pple, una...

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Crap or Compos?

08:41 Posted by Sir Scribbles 23 comments
Crap or Compos? I came across this test while wandering round the internet. Wat do u think? it is a load of bullcrap or is there some sense to it?...I thot it was crap btw!Crap or Compos? The kids in the UK are just so friggin dull, like it's all doom and gloom with them. The only time you can ever...

Monday, 5 October 2009


05:08 Posted by Sir Scribbles 17 comments
I've never been good at fasting! I think the whole aim of the fast has been accomplished sef. It was my attempt at reconnnecting with my blog and it worked. Oya everybody back to work, The Buju candidate is back and I have gist shaLOL! Now this is purely gossip, some of you know Miss B, she runs Naija Daydreamer. You shud check it out, like seriously u shud, she's got a very elaborate imagination,...