Today I feel like talking about relationships and Guy-Girl association, it's such a juicy controversial issue that I can't wait to hear whta ll of you are going to say. Okay so there's so much I want to talk about that I'm going to try and arrange the issues as conhesively as possible, I think each situation I'll talk about revolve around the same issue though...Let's go there!A friend told me that...
a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Series Finale: Robby Scribbles and...
The Three Tongues of Censure: A long time ago in a far away land there lived three young disciples who shared two masters each of great wisdom. The older Master was calm, shrewd, slow to anger but vicious in fury and he approached situations wiv a certan calmness and judgement that resolved matters amicably but wasn't afraid to use the hard hand of discipline even though it was rare. The second master...
Monday, 25 May 2009
Sir Scribbles in the building....
Hey hope you guyz didn't miss me oh! I was only gone for two posts lol, Mehn all this mushy mushy talk has got me feelin weird and outside myself, so wat's the solution? A trademark post 4rm the unprecedented Sir Scribbles II...I swear this is the most annoying thing I've experienced in my life, it's one of those things that just tick u off even more cos you can't do anything about it! it's a typical...
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Scribbles gone soft...
For the past few days I've been thinking of the perfect way to approach this post, I narrowed it down to two simple ways, I could either write a manuscript and then edit it before posting or simply open a blank page and free style, I chose the latter cos I felt like fresstyling wud actually help me potray my feelings honestly and give me insight to what exactly is going on wiv I cudn't find...
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Robby wivout Scibbles....
Now I know what you've come to expect in a typical post from "Sir Scribbles" but I'm hoping this will turn out a bit different, I want to change the mood a little even if it's for a just this post, I want you to delve deeper into me. I want to tell you about myself wivout the funny phrases and comical methapors...this isn't something I planned but just felt I shud do so I'd be bare myslef for you...
Friday, 22 May 2009
Episode 5: Robby Scribbles and...
Posted by Sir Scribbles
addiction, chicken, Chinese food, cooking, noodles, pork, sauce
The Asian Connection...The fact That I can't cook has been established since the dawn oof this blog, I can now do d basic sha, like boil rice and all that but if you don't leave a pot of stew or soup then you are the epitome of Hitler...Btw PROPS TO MY LIL SIS' COS IF NOT FOR YOU HUNGER FOR DON KILL ME! the man that will marry that girl will have to settle me big time!!One day I asked her to teach...
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Another tour of Scribblenation
Posted by Sir Scribbles
blog, bush, mase, obama, pick up lines, presidency, r kelly, random, swagger
For those of you not familiar wiv Scribblenation it's a name I gave the way my mind works and its entirety as articulatly random construct. My mind works in a very arbitrary way and these are just some of the thoughts I was able to scribble for you to read before they were replaced by other random thoughts. Being a bit open minded, less critical and more objective may help you enjoy this post even...
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Episode 4 (Part 2): Robby Scribbles and....
Previously on Robby Scribbles and...The last time we saw our hero, Scribbbles, he was in a very ominous situation, one of his new roommates, Captain Stinky Toes, had decided to take over the air ways by launching a secret biological weapon rendering our protagonist nasally redundant. Our hero managed to escape the clutches of the malevolent Captain Stinky Toes and took refuge in a friend's room but...
Monday, 18 May 2009
Episode 4: Robby Scribbles and...
Captain Stinky Toes: Scourge of the Airways: In all my years as an undergraduate I've encountered a variety of pple as roommates. I've lived wiv them all, The pastors and The porn watchers, The Book worms and the loafers, the reasonable and the senseless, the lucid and the insane but of all the roommates I've ever had Captain Stinky toes (CST) was by far the most testing and frustrating of them all....
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Episode 3: Robby Scribbles and....
Warning: If you find this an unbloggable post and think I shudn't be talking about this cos it's unethical in a way then I suggest you read the blog description again lol. Enjoy sha...Robby Scribbles and....The Public lecture of doom...12:17pm, Just finished a lecture/torture on Algorithm Analysis and as usual Dr. E was a pain in the posterior, I head over to the skool cafeteria wiv a bunch of friends,...
Episode 2: Robby Scribbles and...
The cursed Text message...There are some things you need to know first before I go on, I spent 4 yrs in Uni, my life in Uni was divided into two, the first two years and the last two years. The first two years can be tagged as my cavalier, lousy unserious period, I thot uni was a vacation spot and didn't really care much for the academic environment. The final two years were very different....and...
Friday, 15 May 2009
Pilot Episode: Robby Scribbles and....
The "Robby Scribbles and..." series is a collection of short stories (I'm not promising anything lol) which I consider very interesting and worth writting about, they are simple true events which I believe will test my ability to carry a story, it may give you insight into the way my mind works or it may just nodge you closer to the evidnet conclusion that I am just a nutcase lol, don't expect me...
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
I just remembered...part 3
There was something I forget to tell you earlier, you know how I made that sketch about my principal wiv the "Money ain't a thang" caption. Well I told my Dad thi story a few months later (When I was sure he'd find it amusing nd nt irrespobsible ) You won't believe it but evidently when my Dad was in Sec. Skool he did something of the same nature, he was a cartoonist for his skool's paper as well...
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
I just remembered...Part 2
So soon u say?...well I can't help it, I've got time on my hands and an evergrowing manuscript...I remember...The Asian racist...I was thinking of putting this story under the "Revelations of little insanities" series but I changed my mind....A friend of mine had an encounter wiv one of the many lunatics who roam this earth claiming to be lucid and the Asian rascist, who we will refer to as 'ARS'...
Monday, 11 May 2009
I just remembered...part 1
I've been given a licence to blog to my satisfaction, whether it's three times a day or 5 times a week...if their are any problems wiv this setup have ur ppl call my pple! (I've always wanted to say that lol). So, this is a compilation of some of my flashbacks and I'm thinking of a trilogy may be in the works, for those of you who winced at the thought of it being a trilogy have your pple call my...
Sunday, 10 May 2009
I wished....
She sang a song, relaxing and hypnotic. It came from her heart, the warmest place any melody could be made. I was lost in her voice, I saw the tunes billow through her lips, slowly across the room and into my ears, I felt the warmth of her notes in my heart...warmth which watered my eyes...She cried, how could she feel pain? could she be hurt? my mind had made her impregnable and as a consequence...