Mehn una no even look 4 me oh! Your boy Scribbles has been AWOL for 48hours+ nd una no organise search party, what if I was kidnapped ehn? Una no go even halla...Una fall my hand!!! lolYeah baby! Summer is around the corner..abi e don land sef me no know sef wiv dis friggin country. Your boy is officially rocking the shorts this season, I'm only wearing shorts nd T-shirts cos wen winter come like...
a week in my mind and you won't want to go home...
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Awesomeness Prime
I had the most amazing expirience today (saturday), I haven't been this tripped by a movie since Matrix but it wasn't just the movie pple...let me gist you gistI made plans wiv this blogger, who's identity I promised to keep a secret, to go out today. At first we/I agreed we'd go to a chinese restaurant but in the end we went to see Transformers 2...I will talk about that one later. So this blogger...
Friday, 26 June 2009
Garrulous update...
Forgive me blogsville for I have sinned, it's been 2 days since my last post...So I'm working on my postgrad projects and your boy is just typing like a lunatic. What's ironic is that I can produce a couple hundred words on the fly for a single post on my blog but when it's time to write some meaningful ish to impress my lecturer I have to roll on d floor and jump up and down for inspriration and...
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
4: Robby Scribbles' Blog da Blogger

Watz poppin' beautiful pple of blogsville, It's Robby Scribbles here again and before we get down to business I'd just like to say something real quick. I think A woman's life is divided into three very simple phases based on her age. There's the first phase when she prefers to add digits too her age,...
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
As you see me so...

You know sey I be mad man? On a very serious level now I think I don dey craze small, especially since I started blogging. Before I use to be subtly mad cos the things I thot about either stayed in my mind of just faded away but these days, withe this blog of a thing, I now have an archive of my craze....
Sunday, 21 June 2009
3: Robby Scribbles' Blog da Blogger
Ladies and Gentlemen whatagwaaaaaaan! Sorry, I've been hanging around some Jamo boys lately and that's all they say to me. Happy Monday pple, even though I'm yet to find someone who appreciates the start of a new week I still feel the need to invoke elation before mentioning "Monday". We have another blogger as a guest today and for some reason anytime I visit her blog I have a sudden craving for...
My two pennies worth
I've started four differnt post on four different issues and all of them have ended up as drafts because of this one. I was watching a show on TV and it just inspired me to post this, I wasn't intellectually stirred by the conversation I heard that led to this was more of an emotional inclination...I doubt there's a perfect formula for relationships, infact I don't doubt I know! I know that...
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Part 2 Spoof: Reality check
lol..I'n continuation....The Lion King is a classic Naija movie, an uncle kills ur dad and takes all his property, then he ousts you and the other relatives can't do anything about it. You grow up in a foster home, come back to confront ur uncle and aided by the spirit of ur dead popsy you regain ur rightful place in the family....and all the king's horses and all the king's men cudn't put Humpty...
Friday, 19 June 2009
Spoof: Reality check...
Snow white was a need for dwarfs is enuf to say she even had weird fetishes as wellPopeye was a junky, oh he calls it spinach but I tell you anyone who needs to eat grass-like "Vegetables" before he can feel strong enuf to beat someone up is definitely on something illegalLittle Red riding Hood was a d hell do you mistake a wolf for ur grandma...damn her...
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Robby Scribbles' Blog Da Blogger
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the show once again. Before I bring out my guest tonight I'd just like to make a lil' announcement. I am taking a vow of celibacy for three months in an effort to curb my flirtacious blogging habits lol. During this period I will restrain myself from blog and cyber philandering because my significant blogger is going away on holiday and I have promised to behave myself...
I'm having a friggin bloggers block episode here!....I can't concentrate, I can't focus and I can't even type a single line wivout backspacing everything! You can't believe it shey? Me too!!! Leggy ur Interview is coming oh...I just have to find out why my brain is dulling me first...Did y'all catch Obama on TV?..did you see the way he assasinated that Fly? Oga stiill has some Africo Perks oh! I feel...
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Robby Scribbles' Blog the Blogger
Yes OO! 3 Gbosa for The Royal Scribbles please...GBOSA GBOSA GBOSA!!! It's the 50th post pple and it's either I have too much time on my hands or I love una too much to keep quiet lol. To mark this prestiguos event and as announced in the previous post we're kicking of Robby Scribbles' Blog da Blogger. It's quiet simple really, I'll be having "FICTIONAL" interviews with the bloggers who spend their...
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Scribblenation: Beautifully Random...
Okay before I start I will just like to say that the Blog idea I have isn't all that oooo! It's just me having fun and not a paper on solving the global economic crisis! In the mean time Scribblenation = Random thoughts and memories....The year is 1997, my lil bro is still in primary school, he comes home one one day crying and as expected we are all worried. He tells us that during break time in...
Monday, 15 June 2009
What does it take to be Number 1...
Wahala in dis work is not easy and I'm not even getting paid for it, sometimes I sit down and wonder what someone else wud have done in my shoes, if my younger Sis or Bro were to swap places wiv me wud they make the right decision. You see it takes a whole friggin lot to be the first born in a family, especially the first born Male. It's one of the most tasking, demanding, scrutinized, critical, involuntary...
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Illiteracy, Ignorance and just plain ol' Stupid!!!
I'm not going to give you a monotonous lecture detailing the difference and simililarities between these three pple modifing words, I'm going to tell you as it hit me when I had a similar conversation wiv someone a few days like sey dis post go long small but I trust u na...just dey scroll dey go!!!Illiteracy: This is the lack of a education. The lack of a structured form of knowledge impartation,...
I woke up this morning terrified mehn! I had I dream dat I died and went to hell nd let me tell you I was scared stiff wen I woke up...I don't even want to go into details...I just woke up nd looked around nd thanked God it was just a dream...Baba God if it is a sign don't worry, I dey reach church 2moro most def! So I went for the Medical check up as required by this my prospective job yesterday...