I'm in a very good mood today and decided to post this now rather than 2moro or the day after. My baby cousin just started crawling today WOOHOOO!!! At frist she was crawling backwards and I think it annoyed her cos anytime she wanted to move forward she found herslef reversing and a wail wud follow instantly. I use to say her gearbox was messed up...a joke her mum didn't like very much lol! Anyway she's moving forward now and this post will be litterd wiv pics of her and her sis, she's 9 months old and her sister is two years old...I love dem die!!!

You see all the baby food behind her, that's where all d money goes, they feed this girl like a queen and I have to cook Indomie wen I get back 4rm skool cos there's no food in the house...someone say injustice lol!
Naija Music is impressing and I will not deny that recently I have been more attentive to the naija music culture than the western these days but one thing still bugs me about the whole industry. Apparently singin about Yahoo Yahoo is an acceptable thing. Personally, I don't really think it's a good idea considering that the perpetuation of Yahoo-Yahoo leads to pple being swindled, lose of livelihood and personal savings, increase in crime and corruption, and the continuous degradation of the name of our country (if we still have one). Sure they are not telling us to grab a laptop and scam a mugu but when artists tell you dat the reason they have a Hummer and can buy things wivout thinking twice cos their pockets don't have limits is solely cos one Mugu somewhere replied an email dat wrecked his life and made their's bliss. I think there's more to sing and rap about than 419 don't you...nd na these ones sef dey get the best beats...I'm advocating a Yahooless music industry and still sing Yahoozeee in d shower!!!
If you know wat I went through just to take this picture you won't believe. Getting two toddlers to pose for a snapshot is hard work mehn!! I had to use one had to snap while I waved a pack of jelly in the other.
It's like these days once you are a celebrity you need to have either a set of nude pix, a sextape..or both sef. Everyone has got one these day, even the pple you wudn't expect to be having sex are right there infront of a camcoder getting their freak on. And they all act so oblivious wen they hear it's gone public, they always claim someone broke into their house or hacked into their laptops to steal the pix...so explain something to me, wiv all d money you have you can't afford a decent Anti-Virus software or a frigging Padlock? So it's just a coincindence that weneva you want to jump in bed wiv someone there's a video camera just lying around waiting to tape the whole scene...C'mon how stupid do u think we are? You take a camera, stand infront of a mirror and snap urself nude or you tape urself getting/giving head and you tell me it's not for publicity? Okay so u just want to add d photos to d family album shey?, abi U r entering a short film contest and ran out of ideas?!!! Frankly if that's wat pple need to do these days for publicity then obscurity isn't so bad afterall...trust naija we dey copy anything...next year we go hear sey Tony Tetuila nd Sasha get home video sef!

Yes oh! A Diva is a female version of a toddler!
A while back I was talking to my Popsy while watching MTv, we started talking about music and how it has changed over the years, he said d way we dance now is more explicit back in his day dancing was more fun and decent. He then tells me about "The Camel walk", apparently the camel walk was the Yahoozee of his time and everyone use to do it at parties. I asked him to show me guesing that he wudn't cos he was older now and wudn't have d locomotive skills to pull off a dance step....NOT!!! Scribbles the first stood up and started showing me the Camel walk oh! I don't know how to describe it elaboratly in words..I sha know sey na one kin crazy dance and it looked like a cross betwen MJ's moon walking, Ma$e's harlem shake and that thing Diddy likes to do wiv his neck lol. I'm applauding the man ad then he just spoils everything, he tells me that he's still up to date wiv everything and his got tons of albums 4rm today's artist....He says and I quote..."I know what the buzz is on the da hood"...WTH was dat!! is dat how they talked back then...buzz in da hood?..I cringed when I heard it and I think he was feeling very fly wen he said it too...me I cudn't tell him he was oldskool sha...abi u want him to stop paying my skool fees? lol
Come oh, someone commented on my last post saying the reason why I've had shitty luck wiv chicks is cos I'm too nice (you know urself lol). DO u think so? cos I don't, I think it's cos I'm going for chicks at the wrong time. My sis, whose blog I decided to ignore b4 una kill me, thinks I like girls too easily...well it's not my fault cos it seems like my "types" have been crawling out of he woodwork these days but wiv constraints attached...rest assured Sir Scribbles II will not give in to d pressure of celibacy or philandering...at least I can say that I'm too smart to be used by a chick and have will never be a maga! I AIN'T NO CHUMP BUT I GO HARD FOR LOVE MEHN!!! lol
BTW...I have successfully motivated another person to start a blog, hopefully he'll be more respectful than P'sy-A-wana . Introducing my friend and classmate, Naija bad boi.... Oga u too like to dey feel urself lol! Ladies beware ooh! click at ur own risk
You see all the baby food behind her, that's where all d money goes, they feed this girl like a queen and I have to cook Indomie wen I get back 4rm skool cos there's no food in the house...someone say injustice lol!
Naija Music is impressing and I will not deny that recently I have been more attentive to the naija music culture than the western these days but one thing still bugs me about the whole industry. Apparently singin about Yahoo Yahoo is an acceptable thing. Personally, I don't really think it's a good idea considering that the perpetuation of Yahoo-Yahoo leads to pple being swindled, lose of livelihood and personal savings, increase in crime and corruption, and the continuous degradation of the name of our country (if we still have one). Sure they are not telling us to grab a laptop and scam a mugu but when artists tell you dat the reason they have a Hummer and can buy things wivout thinking twice cos their pockets don't have limits is solely cos one Mugu somewhere replied an email dat wrecked his life and made their's bliss. I think there's more to sing and rap about than 419 don't you...nd na these ones sef dey get the best beats...I'm advocating a Yahooless music industry and still sing Yahoozeee in d shower!!!
If you know wat I went through just to take this picture you won't believe. Getting two toddlers to pose for a snapshot is hard work mehn!! I had to use one had to snap while I waved a pack of jelly in the other.
It's like these days once you are a celebrity you need to have either a set of nude pix, a sextape..or both sef. Everyone has got one these day, even the pple you wudn't expect to be having sex are right there infront of a camcoder getting their freak on. And they all act so oblivious wen they hear it's gone public, they always claim someone broke into their house or hacked into their laptops to steal the pix...so explain something to me, wiv all d money you have you can't afford a decent Anti-Virus software or a frigging Padlock? So it's just a coincindence that weneva you want to jump in bed wiv someone there's a video camera just lying around waiting to tape the whole scene...C'mon how stupid do u think we are? You take a camera, stand infront of a mirror and snap urself nude or you tape urself getting/giving head and you tell me it's not for publicity? Okay so u just want to add d photos to d family album shey?, abi U r entering a short film contest and ran out of ideas?!!! Frankly if that's wat pple need to do these days for publicity then obscurity isn't so bad afterall...trust naija we dey copy anything...next year we go hear sey Tony Tetuila nd Sasha get home video sef!
Yes oh! A Diva is a female version of a toddler!
A while back I was talking to my Popsy while watching MTv, we started talking about music and how it has changed over the years, he said d way we dance now is more explicit back in his day dancing was more fun and decent. He then tells me about "The Camel walk", apparently the camel walk was the Yahoozee of his time and everyone use to do it at parties. I asked him to show me guesing that he wudn't cos he was older now and wudn't have d locomotive skills to pull off a dance step....NOT!!! Scribbles the first stood up and started showing me the Camel walk oh! I don't know how to describe it elaboratly in words..I sha know sey na one kin crazy dance and it looked like a cross betwen MJ's moon walking, Ma$e's harlem shake and that thing Diddy likes to do wiv his neck lol. I'm applauding the man ad then he just spoils everything, he tells me that he's still up to date wiv everything and his got tons of albums 4rm today's artist....He says and I quote..."I know what the buzz is on the da hood"...WTH was dat!! is dat how they talked back then...buzz in da hood?..I cringed when I heard it and I think he was feeling very fly wen he said it too...me I cudn't tell him he was oldskool sha...abi u want him to stop paying my skool fees? lol
Come oh, someone commented on my last post saying the reason why I've had shitty luck wiv chicks is cos I'm too nice (you know urself lol). DO u think so? cos I don't, I think it's cos I'm going for chicks at the wrong time. My sis, whose blog I decided to ignore b4 una kill me, thinks I like girls too easily...well it's not my fault cos it seems like my "types" have been crawling out of he woodwork these days but wiv constraints attached...rest assured Sir Scribbles II will not give in to d pressure of celibacy or philandering...at least I can say that I'm too smart to be used by a chick and have will never be a maga! I AIN'T NO CHUMP BUT I GO HARD FOR LOVE MEHN!!! lol
BTW...I have successfully motivated another person to start a blog, hopefully he'll be more respectful than P'sy-A-wana . Introducing my friend and classmate, Naija bad boi.... Oga u too like to dey feel urself lol! Ladies beware ooh! click at ur own risk
first babay...i own ur sh**
oh and BTW...thanks for the introduction...lol
Awwwwww dose babies are cute.
Camel walk???? lol, ur pops is funny mehn
I hrd they banned some maga songs in nigeria already.
Finally naija bad boi,if u want ur stay in blogsville to be a peaceful one,rule numba 1,im always first on this blog OK.....lol
@juiceegal...seen and noted...i hereby step down relinquish my throne to you...bera naw?
Juiceegal u r not impressing these days oh! where u go sef lol...Naija bad boi hope u hav heard o...land lady has spoken
those girls are really cute!nyway...that yahozee,a friend of mine says that where he speaks yoruba that hes actually condemning it..so i guess thats not really wat the song is about.
and yeah i feel it eh..naija music is becoming so..i dnt even have the words.
first nollywood is the thrid largest in the world and the best in africa....now music is becoming so....mtv awards are always filled wt nigerians eh!.
@leggy: Wen I was in naija I didin't use to appreciate the music but now that I'm in Obodo Oyibo I can't stop listening to it...yeah i heard dat too but it's not just him, dem plenty wey dey use yahoo-yahho in lyrics
hey scribs, those ur lil chics are cute, i hope u teach what is right.
besides, i can start figuring out ur face from those girls. fam blood eh!
this naija bad boy, lemme check out what he has to offer
Cute kid!
lol oh @ your pops
my dad sometimes surprises me with some spontaneous expressions of "mordern knowledge" in many topics than you can imagine
but my late Grandma *may she Rest In peace* who I love dearly*though I never told her* would watch movies or stuff with me and due to her lack of proper education would confuse some big word in english with another and cause a semi catastrophe
"If to sey the boy embarrass(in place of embrace) the other girl,why im girlfriend con dey vex?
you got cute babies there the little one(young blood in the crawling crew) kinda looked a bit like you in the first photo
how is Nigerian artists singing Yahoo Yahoo different than 50 getting shot nine times. like Miss asked "why black people always be the one to settle"....? altho it will be interesting to see the shift, i dont know if Yahoo music will dominate the collective Nija music industry the way the "hood mentality" corrupted hip hop and rap. Then there is the issue of who is even keeping it real or accuratly depicting their own experince, like how many of them even know how to send out the mass chain letters...igwu somebody wayo koro koro like that takes finese and skills non??, but
i guess sometimes u have to "know the difference" like when u r watching a movie and assume they are merely acting.....
everyone is claiming to be a big boi she? until when FBI shoews up then they claim profiling. it needs to stop, but it wont, taking glory in the worse parts of ourselves seem to be right up the alley...
why will9ja Hip Hop b any different?..We aspire to levelz wey pass us sometimes, by any means necessary...its like singing about Oil or Arab money which doesn't necessary mean they got it.....but to their defense not all of them are singing about Yahooo...MOREOVER 419 runs is so 2008.
@yinkuslolo: Naija bad boi is forming chicks man..i think u'll like his blog, does kids look nothin like me, they look like their dad..i'm just the squatting cousin
@blogoratti: Thanks
@culturecynic: Naija music actually seems to be heading in the smae direction, wen I was typing this up I wanted to add that I compared yahoo to the coke and dope selling hip hop and rap seem to idolize, it's slowly turning it a constant theme in our industry but I doubt it will have d same hold as the "keepin it real" and "Hood life" themes that have overun the western airwaves
babes got game!
Awww she's a cutie!!!
And ya boy is player with interesting stories...hmmm I like...lol
y u dey complain about yahoo yahoo, fine its bad but in yankee they sing about selling drugs and how it gets them all kinds of stuff, so evrybody wants 2 cultivate a bad boy image.....on another note now u av nieces wen boys go dey come wind dem ibo boy like u go burst vein 4 head lol..... man JULY 7 baby YEAH........how ur popsy flowers, flower boy
Your cousins are tres cute...:)
I left a comment on the post before this one so go look aaaaaaaaand....hmmm let me see what else? Ah yes, I'll check out your friend's blog. Have a lovely weekend
@Gtay: ur own is just to be attcking me...sshey u no go liek to free me ehn
@Lolia: Have a lovely weekedn my dear, naija bad boi is impressing sha lol
ur cousins are rather cute..lol @ female version of a toddler..joker.
When I find myself singing those yahoo songs sometimes, I think about the crap it promotes. So I just tell myself to sharap!
@Taymee: Thanks oh. don't be deceived sha, they are mad lil rascals lol. Omo like i said they have d best beats ooo, u won't even know wen u r singing them...d other day I was singin MAGA DON PAY like I was a yahoo boy lol
lol...ur babies are so cute especially the baby baby. Dont worry I cringed when I read what ur dad said haha, i cant imagine if that was my dad I'd have been rolling on the floor laughing my head off.
i see baby pictures! U HAVE A LOVE CHILD?? will be back tomoro to catch up! ni take ONE DAY OFF...and suddenly am lost! OH BED CALLS....SEE U IN THE MORNING....oh its already morning...
@Miss N: Thanks oh! BUt don't be deceived cos they are a handful
@Lady Koko: Love child ke? At all oh! just baby cousins please oh abeg!!!
So these people are your friends....hmmm Birds of the same feather!
Those girls are CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....not as cute as mine sha
Comot there. Which injustice?
DO you know how badly you terrorized the older ppl when you were theiir age? Dont let me start telling stories o..
Funny enof...chics always like nice guys BUT hardly date them. Theres something of an early man programming in females that makes them seek out a male they feel can hold his own, isnt soft and will protect them. Yet they'll tell you otherwise...
Buch of crazy people. But we love them nonetheless shay?
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